Here is the FAQ for TTW Shah Alam

What is Thrill The World?

Thrill The World is a worldwide attempt to break the World Record for the Largest Simultaneous Dance to Michael Jackson's Thriller. Thousands of people in cities around the world will learn the Thriller dance and perform it precisely at the same time. Here in Shah Alam that time is 10am & 10pm local time on October 29th, 2011 (the Saturday before Halloween). All ages, nationalities and physical abilities are welcome.

Thrill the World was founded in Toronto in 2006 by Ines Markeljevic and had 62 participants. By 2009, Thrill The World had become an international phenomenon with 22,571 people from 33 nations participating. 2011 marks the 3rd year that Malaysia or Shah Alam specifically will join Thrill The World, with at least 100over participants all around Selangor area.

"Thrill The World Shah Alam" will take place on Saturday, October 29th at 10am & 10pm. Organizer Shazawati Mohammad decided to start a Thrill The World Shah Alam event after participated the event in 2009 organize by Chief Zombie - Farith Rezza who wanted to start this since 2008 during Michael's presences.

  1. What is this event for?
    1. Read the above mention
  2. Do we have to wear like zombies even for practice?
    1. no, you dont have too
  3. Do we need to pay any for the registration?
    1. Yes, RM30 for adult and RM15 for kids under 15years old. it is standardize around the world as this will be use for two things -
      1. For TTW promotions,travelling,food & drinks during practice and paper works.
      2. Donations to the Charity Home & buying the gift for the children
      3. Please pay before 20th Oct 2011 at the event or MBB - 162272-69904-1. Full details will be given later.  
  4. Who are we going to donate to?
    1. We are donating to Children Last Wish home where they have children who are dying due to some diseases and have last wish of each person. We are trying to make some of their wish come true. 
  5. I dont think I want to pay just to dance for 1 time / 2 times at one day.
    1. We will dance mostly for 6times on each session. 2 rehearsal & 4 times (2 actual time and 2 for press). So I guess rm10 is more way cheaper than this. 
  6. I want to donate more than rm30. how to do so?
    1. You can pay RM10 for adults and rm5 for kids under 15 years old as for the registration. There will be a box for the money to the charity home every weekend during practice and you can put your donation weekly or lump sum. 
  7. I want to be one of the committee member. What shall I do?
    1. Easy, just click on Volunteer on the page. We will email you weekly on the news 
  8. I dont want to come for practice but will show up for the real event. Is that okay?
    1. The practice is not compulsory but it will be fun to have many people comes during the practice as we will snap pictures and sent it to press
  9. Does this event will be on media coverage?
    1. Yes, we will send all the media invitations and might have press conference to be done in September. In 2009, we were on Times Magazine, Malay Mail, The Sun and on FlyFm Radio, NTV7,and MHI. In 2010, Hitz.Fm mention about the practice mostly for 2 months before the event and also mention on event. Event was covered by Bernama TV Mandarin News and English news, Reuters, Getty Images from Australia.
  10. I dont like Michael Jackson. Can I join this event?
    1. Yes! You dont have to be loving Michael Jackson for this event. Anyone is welcome to join. this is for us to unite as one, to be equals and to be loved. Please do not insult Michael Jackson at all during the event or the practice. 
  11. I dont want to dance, can I join this event?
    1. You can come. There is no forcing for you to dance. You may try to dance for one or two. Btw, the dance is quite simple. 
  12. Is there any rules?
    1. Yes, please do not insult Michael Jackson during the practice, during the event, before & after the event or during hanging out with Michael jackson's fan. Appreciate for you to be very sensitive during this event as we have many Michael Jackson freak for this event including the committee. 
    2. You may smoke but please avoid Drugs and Alcohol during this period as we wont RESPONSIBLE on your behaviour. 
    3. You are allowed to bring your bf/gf/partner/husband/wife during the practice but please respect others and the premises. Do not fight or doing PDA in front of others as we may have underage students and kids surround us.
    4. Please respect the premises with throwing all the rubbish in the dustbin or we will fine you with RM5 each. The money will be in for the charity
  13. Do we have to bring drinks?
    1. yes, please do incase we didnt have the food & beverages. We will also bring our drinks and snacks for all. 
  14. Who do I need to contact incase of anything
    1. You can check the CONTACT page.
that is all for now, we will add more if there is alot of questions coming in!